Himmelberger Zeughammerwerk Leonhard Müller & Söhne GmbH has been a family business for more than 300 years. Since 1675, forestry tools of the highest quality have been manufactured and forged by hand in numerous, complex work steps. The craftsmanship and the art of axe forging has been passed down to the 13th generation of the Mueller family of blacksmiths.
Traditional as well as modern knowledge and skills form the know-how with which high-quality tools have been forged by master craftsmen for hundreds of years. By combining innovation and tradition, Mueller tools guarantee easy and, above all, safe work.Hand-Forged in Austria
Modernized Traditions
The Mueller Hatchets and Camp Axes are designed for a variety of camp tasks including cutting, carving, and chopping.
All their hand-forged heads come with a lifetime guarantee.
The Ash handles are all sourced locally or within Europe.
Each axe comes with a genuine leather mask. Masks are made in Canada.
Mueller makes high quality tools that are designed specifially for splitting wood.
The hand-forged heads come with a lifetime guarantee.
Each axe comes with a genuine leather mask. Masks are made in Canada.
The Mueller product range includes accessories such as Log Tongs and Brush Hooks to help clear out unwanted logs and shrubs. These high quality tools can be used in forestry, horticulture or in your own backyard.